Please stop changing things with the OP and ED, P.A. Works. Thanks.
Joint with Mezashite!
Charlotte (TV) – Episode 03: [Torrent] & [DDL]
If you encounter any playback issues with a GJM release, please make sure you are using a recently-updated version of CCCP or KCP.
Ahh le mayo.
I take it that the romaji and translation lines are meant to be matching the colours of the on-screen texts in the opening. If so, the first line should be blue instead of violet. Haven’t seen the full episode yet but reading the release post I wanted to point that out. Thanks for the release.
Thanks for the feedback, and yes, you’re right, but for a part of the line it’s actually changing between different shades, then it’s blue, then the last part is violet. I decided to just go with violet because… I don’t really know why. It kinda looked weird with blue, but it does look weird with violet too…
Can’t wait to see imouto dying (which hopefully happens soon)! :>
My kokoro cannot stand this!
Thank you
Maeda’s conception of narcolepsy is all over the place.
Please make the distinction between character knowledge and writer knowledge. Just because Yuu and Yusa aren’t smart doesn’t mean the writer also isn’t.
Thanks! Now I’m patiently awaiting the release of GOD EATER – 02. =)
Thanks for the new episode!
Had to look up ‘moxie’; never heard it before, lol.
If that is her reaction sober (^^^^) I shudder to think what she’ll be like on crack…
Thank you!
who cares i like the changes.
I don’t mind them either, but it makes everything take longer when you need to make new KFX and re-translate entire songs, so it’s somewhat of an annoyance.
you don’t have to translate the songs<3 btw the ddl is kind of weird it keeps saying "send the form again" can't reg or anything..
shit ddl
I just tested it and it worked fine, dunno what’s up for you.
mmmmmmmmmmmm what’s ur country?
apparently it doesn’t work in my country.
I’m in the UK.
If it isn’t working, you can always use the DDL links on the project listing page, that’s on another, alternate, server.
thanks for everything<3