Apparently we CAN get an episode of Erased out before the next one. \:D/
Enjoy the release.
Joint with eraser.
Boku dake ga Inai Machi (TV) – Episode 03: [Torrent] & [DDL]
If you encounter any playback issues with a GJM release, please make sure you are using a recently-updated version of CCCP or KCP.
Lies and slander!
Came out the same day I posted that here in the UK. Fix your timezones. :’)
Fuck. Forgot you’re GMT.
merry xmas! (a little too late for that tho)
Thank you very much!
This show’s serious going to get to me. Thanks!
um, seriously* :)
That’s great! o(≧∇≦o)
HorribleSubs put this: I take it it’s just wrong, and there’s no character named “Souda Hiromi”, right?
It’s wrong. The character’s name is Sugita Hiromi (or Hiromi Sugita if you’re using western name order).
Aniplex misheard the word(s) 「そうだ。」 which can usually mean things like “that’s right”, to be the actual name, seen here: 「想田, 造田, and others」.
The line TLs to something along the lines of “Oh yeah, Hiromi was killed too.” if you don’t suck. :P
Basically, Aniplex translators are worse than fucking scrublords like me who can’t even take N5. Cool huh?
duplex pls dim w
Thank you keep up the quality work.
Thanks lots!
Editor pleeeeeasse