One arc over, two more to go. I wonder how the next one’s gonna be.
I liked this arc a whole bunch, I hope it keeps on delivering like this.
Hopefully we can get back to a more regular speed. Things have been weird for the past two weeks as Kou has been almost entirely out of action due to IRL matters.
Seiren (TV) – Episode 04: [Torrent][Magnet]
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Thanks for the release!
Thanks and… if they say every girl is unique and mutual then what the hell is Hikari doing in ep 5 preview
They can all still be in each other’s routes, this happened casually in Amagami too. The only difference is that they won’t be involved in progressing the story in any major fashion.
Nice! Thank you for the episode.
Thank you for the episode!
Not too happy with how this first arc was executed :(
I feel Morishima Haruka was a much stronger hook for the Amagami SS series.
Well, we’ll see how Tooru fares starting next week~
Summary of the first arc: The viewers are really grateful the scriptwriter did not go so far as to invent garlic ice.
Thank you again.
Thanks & Good Job! Looking forward to the next arc.
Loving how this is in the same vein as Amagami~ Can’t believe I missed this show until now.
Speaking of it being in the same vein as Amagami, did you notice what the family name of Shouichi’s friend is?
I did, & was sorely disappointed when no hint was given beyond them eating together one time.