Hey look, I figured out how not to be a slow piece of shit on this show for once. Wew.
Joint with DameDesuYo.
Alice to Zouroku (TV) – Episode 07: [Torrent][Magnet]
If you encounter any playback issues with a GJM release, please make sure you are using a recently-updated version of CCCP or KCP.
Oh god, those paw print hair clips <3
me on the left
Why it’s not showing in RSS?
The RSS feeds on the sidebar are completely manual. I’d recommend using the feeds on Anidex’s website: https://anidex.info/rss/group/112
We’ll be retiring the on-site ones before long as they’re hard to keep up-to-date with regular release schedules.
…to MIss Ichijou…
Motherfucker. I didn’t see that when I typed it out. Fixed for batch.