Here’s your Index. Waited far too long for this to air.
Buckle up for the ride, this is gonna be a good one.
To Aru Majutsu no Index III (TV) – Episode 01: [Torrent][Magnet]
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Thanks so much for picking this up!
Oh shit, thanks!
Thanks for the subs! Keep up the good work.
By the way, what source did you use?
For video? CR.
Thanks. Any chance on a 720p version?
Not likely, we prefer to stick to a single resolution for TV releases as they’re all superceded by BDs and the extra work is pointless when you take that into account.
The show is mastered at 900p though so being greater than 720, in this case, is better.
>not encoding at 1600×900 /s
Okay it’s clear now. Thank you for your explanation. I guess it’s about time to upgrade my HTPC :-)
So… did you find a Spanish to English translator (using Puya-subs as source) or a normal Japanese-English TL?
This is a Japanese to English translation. We don’t fuck around with that dirty-ass secondary translation shit. :P
Wait, why would anyone translate from a foreign language? That spells various troubles like language-specific translations. There’s always the Japanese audio to work on.
Ask all the people on the internet who did that and have watched releases of them.
I think it’s a crazy idea myself and would never watch something like that.
We only ever work from Japanese to English here and that’ll never change.
Thank you, btw
What source did you use ? Atx less censored or it is same ad bs11 ?
What source did you use ? Is atx less censored than bs11 or it same thing ?
This is CR video. Nothing was different content-wise between then.
why is the file size so big on this release, is this 1080p?
It’s 1080p, yeah.
It’s 2018, even if it was 720p, filesize wouldn’t be considered “big”.
Thanks GJM.
Awesome, thanks for picking this up!
Looking forward to your work on this!
My dudes. I’m no fan of the weeb subs or honorifics or whatever. But M’lady?? Really? That’s some cringey garbage translation. Ya’ll need to seriously change that for the rest of the show.
This choice makes sense given the dynamics of Kuroko’s and Misaka’s relationship. There are one or two other debatable alternatives but this covers more cases.
We’re not responsible for what the internet chose to do with the term in its infinite idiocy. We’re making decisions we believe produce the best result for this show.
It’s unlikely to change unless we find cases in which this choice is a sub-par one. So far though, that’s not the case.
I actually liked the sound of it more than the “sissie/sissy” in the official English dubs. It sounds more applicable IMHO though I’m not one to talk since I am one of those who tend to use honorifics.
Thanks for the episode. Not so much thanks for making me reinstall Aegisub to fix this no honorifics / Milady nonsense…
You’re welcome on both counts.