It’s happening! Also, holy hell things are escalating quickly in this show.
To Aru Kagaku no Accelerator (TV) – Episode 10: [Torrent][Magnet]
If you encounter any playback issues with a GJM release, please make sure you are using the most recent version of MPC and xysubfilter, or mpv.
It is highly recommended that you use mpv.
Please note that there may be minor rendering differences between MPC/xysubfilter and mpv.
T. Hanks.
Thank you!
So… 23 generations spawning in a 400 years timeframe, huh? That would amount to roughly a shift every 17 years, which could be then assumed to be the average age of the “family head”. There you have it with the Rosenthals, mistakes were gonna be made…
Shit… gets… SERIOUS!