Typesetting Index-tan is pure suffering. The rest of the volumes should be relatively quick from here as there are no more remaining specials.
Gebbi compiled all the TV to BD changes he could find, you can find them below:
Ep. 13 (16 changes)
Ep. 14 (5 changes)
Ep. 15 (2 changes)
Ep. 16 (5 changes)
1080p-only per Cl4PTP’s request.
Volume 5 contains Ep13, Ep14, Ep15 and Ep16, plus Index-tan Ep7 and NCED3.
To Aru Majutsu no Index III (BD) – Volume 5 (BD 1080p): [Torrent][Magnet]
If you encounter any playback issues with a GJM release, please make sure you are using the most recent version of MPC and xysubfilter, or mpv.
It is highly recommended that you use mpv.
Please note that there may be minor rendering differences between MPC/xysubfilter and mpv.
Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much!
The rest when?