Pictured: Areki getting a headache after taking over GJM and slowly working through one thing after another to get the group running again.
That leaves just two episodes left, both awaiting typesetting, which is being actively worked on.
Expect Kaguya 12, Kaguya PV, Jahy 19, and Bisque 06 in the coming days.
Munou na Nana (TV) – Episode 11: [Torrent][Magnet]
If you encounter any playback issues with a GJM release, please make sure you are using the most recent version of MPC and xysubfilter, or mpv.
It is highly recommended that you use mpv.
Please note that there may be minor rendering differences between MPC/xysubfilter and mpv.
Some things are worth the wait. GJM releases being one of the top examples. Thanks for your work!