So it turns out that people sometimes get busy with life and stuff gets delayed. Oh well.
Spy x Family (TV) – Episode 04: [Torrent][Magnet]
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Progress on episode 5 is at least good but if QC still busy then I guess might take some time for it to get done.
Early on, unless you were indicating that Anya pronounced it wrong (which is believable), the word is “utmost,” not “upmost.”
Yup, this was intentional. She’s misspeaking a lot of words and just in general talking in a nonsensical way throughout most of the episode, so we reflected that. :thumbs_up:
There is a typo at 15:19 in the honorifics version – Tasgoare is written instead of Tasogare.
Also, thanks!
This has been fixed for batch. Thanks for reporting!
been awhile i came here. glad you guys kicking some anime again this season. let’s hope this time, nothing major happens. tho, if it happens then it happens, nothing to mourn over. you guys still the best